Rare Ingredients Watch: Amer Picon

by Will on March 6, 2011

CocktailDB.com has a feature called the Mixilator, which uses some kind of algorithm to generate custom cocktail recipes based on your stated preferences or mood. Last night I was feeling uninspired, and so I gave it a spin. Here is the cocktail it recommended that I make:

Chill cocktail glass. Prepare as follows:

In bar glass combine

Stir with lump ice and a measure of grace.

Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

Add a shake of almond.

OK, so it’s a bit presumptuous of the thing to assume that we have raspberry-flavored vodka. But I’m sure that if I went to the store I could get some. I’m a bit less confident that I could quickly locate the apricot syrup, but never mind that.

But Amer Picon? As I understand it, the stuff hasn’t been available in the United States for decades. I suppose I can buy some the next time I’m in France, but that hardly helps me make that drink this weekend. There is a product that I’ve read is similar, called Torani Amer, and it happens that I even know of a place that sells it! But it’s rare enough that most people would be out of luck.

Very peculiar.

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